Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Who's afraid of Elizabeth Taylor?


More than the movies, more than the marriages.

"Elizabeth Taylor was the first great actress to fight on behalf of the AIDS movement and brought the illness from a taboo to a reality. She was the cause's leading advocate and became one of the world's most celebrated activists. She is leaving a great legacy for us all and a new challenge to fight AIDS for this new generation." -Richard Zaldivar, president of The Wall-Las Memorias Project in Los Angeles

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

100 Days

Today marks the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day.
This isn't to just celebrate women who have cracked glass or who are visible or who have made a difference to our lives individually, but to bring awareness to the situation of women across the world.
To those women you don't see or hear...

Friday, 4 March 2011

Women of the World, unite and take over!

11th - 13th March 2011
Southbank Centre, London

WOW – Women of the World – is a joyous celebration of the formidable strength and inventiveness of women – a pioneering, groundbreaking annual festival, which will present, recognise and celebrate women, and act as a conversation space for issues of all kinds.

If you can get there, it promises to be a great festival with speeches, performances, debates, and more, discussing issues facing women today. Highlights for me include: Bird's Eye View Sounds & Silents, Life Cycle with Mara Carlyle, and the conferences that take place over the three days. Look here for more information.